
Hectic Day Solutions


What does a mother do when the day has been too hectic and the kids are screaming for junk food.
Let the KIDS make pizza.
Just because the pizza is round when you buy it from your local pizza joint does not mean that you have to make it the same way. Mostly the kids will find it to much of a hassle and if mom has to do it after a busy day, you would not feel like it too.
With tall growing boys in the house you have to make a lot of pizza (enough to make sure that there can still be leftovers for a midnight snack when they are stuck gaming till all hours of the morning).

THE DOUGH. This recipe fill two oven pans and the base is not too thin.
4 x 250ml cake or bread flour
5 ml salt
10 ml sugar
1 x sachet instant yeast
about 250 ml warm water
30 ml olive oil
Extra olive oil for brushing

Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Make a well in the middle, add the oil and water and mix together to form a dough. Turn it out onto a well floured surface and knead until the dough becomes smooth and elastic.
Grease a large bowl with olive oil. Place the dough in the bowl, brush the surface with olive oil and cover the bowl with cling wrap. Leave to rise in a warm place for about 40 min. until doubled in volume.
When risen, knock down, divide in two and shape into rectangles. Roll out enough to fill oven pans. Prick with a fork all over.

Filling one.
This filling can be made in the morning or what I do, is when I have some time on my hands I make a batch and freeze it for when those hectic days show up. (the kids love it because the filling is ready to use when the craving strikes).

1 large onion, sliced
½ a green pepper, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 packet mushrooms, sliced
1 packet bacon, cut into small cubes (Tip: semi freeze the bacon. It will be easier to slice)
Feta cheese, crumbled to your liking.
Salt, pepper and oregano to taste.
Fry the bacon till brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and keep aside.
Fry the onion in the bacon fat till brown. Add the green pepper and garlic, fry for a few min. then add the mushrooms and fry till cooked. Add the bacon and seasoning, mix through and leave to cool. When cold add the feta cheese and mix through.
Top with lots of cheese of your choice
Bake in a hot oven for about 30 minutes


Filling two. This one is really easy.
1 tin Chakalaka. Spread over pizza base
Line the pan then with tomato slices, onion slices, chopped garlic, salt, pepper and oregano
Top with lots of cheese of your choice.
Bake in a hot oven for about 30 minutes.

I place both pans in the oven and rotate them every 15 minutes plus a bit of grilling on top.


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Sonja and her boys. "When tummies are full, we go play."

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